Keep praying for the crisis in Ukraine

max-kukurudziak-qbc3Zmxw0G8-unsplash.jpgTuesday 01 March 2022 11:50

What is happening in the countries neighbouring Ukraine? We have just heard the following report from one of our workers in Romania.

Thousands of refugees have entered into Romania over the weekend.

As a church we have made accommodation available and expect to play our part along with many other churches in the northern part of the country that have reacted immediately with open arms.

One of the Christian camps at Voronet in Suceava county is currently full of Ukranian refugees.

These are hard times but there is a great opportunity for Christ's church to be a shining light and to share the gospel.

Please continue to pray:

  • for peace in Ukraine,
  • for refugee families to find shelter and food
  • for the spread of the gospel through word and deed


For more information on the work and the workers in Ukraine, follow this link.

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