Poems based on struggle, pain and faith.

Hope heart.jpgTuesday 11 March 2025 12:22

Peter Lilly, ECM worker in France, is author of two new poetry books: "An Array of Vapour" and "A Handful of Prayers". They are motivated by issues like homelessness, isolation and the hope found in the gospel.

First, a quick introduction to the books as described by their publishers:
An Array of Vapour

An Array of Vapour "doesn’t shy away from the dark realities of homelessness, but dwells in these spaces so the readers’ eyes may adjust, notice the beauty, and see that there is still a light of hope, even for those for whom society has largely given up." 

"A Handful of Prayers is a collection of politically engaged and theologically searching poems that bring together provocations and reflections from a broad set of important and revolutionary thinkers, often overlooked within the Christian subcultures. These are poems of change, challenge, and unity that seek to explore and imagine hope, life, and honest community in a world of isolation."

A handful of prayers

Peter started writing while working with a homeless charity in Watford. He says, ""In my five years working for the charity I had four positions in three different projects, but all with the most vulnerable people. By far, the most challenging role I had was as the Outreach Supervisor. In this role, I led and coordinated the work to find, contact and offer support to those rough sleeping in Watford and the surrounding areas. I also ran a drop in support an advice centre where I would meet with people who needed support, listen to their stories and try to refer them into some sort of accommodation. In this role, every single person you meet is going through the biggest crisis of their lives, and suffering on so many different ways. In one draw in my office, I had a bunch of confiscated knives and weapons, and in another draw I had a couple of cans of beer, to keep the edge off if any of our service users started going through alcohol withdrawal. 

"As well as being difficult and heartbreaking, this work is also a huge privilege. Being the person that someone desperate and destitute opens up to about their situation, to look into that vulnerability teaches you so much. Being able to sit down with someone who thinks they are going to sleep rough that night, and finding them a bed with move-on prospects, is beyond words.

"The poems in this book started as a way of processing the immense emotional and mental strain that this work puts one under. I had to write to stop myself from cracking. In the years since leaving New Hope, working on the book has become a way of honouring my colleagues the service users and those who find themselves with nothing, and of honouring those who passed away.”

Both books are available on Amazon and other platforms.

Find out more about Peter and Silje Lilly's ministry with ECM in France here

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