Loving Europe by loving multicultural Netherlands

Smith.jpgMonday 09 September 2019 12:46

Below you find an exciting account by Carolien and Roland Smith on what multicultural Netherlands looks for them.

"We love the multicultural life in the Netherlands and surprising connections.

"A Zimbabwean entrepreneur and psychologist who lives with her Dutch husband and three children in Namibia is taking a postgraduate course here at Maastricht University.

"For weeks she had been thinking about her relationship with the Lord. On arrival in the city last autumn she found All Saints Anglican Church on the web and as she was walking towards the church, for the first time, she heard Roland playing the hymn 'In Christ Alone' through the open window.

"She says that precisely at that moment she felt ready to be baptised and on entering the church enjoyed a very warm welcome which helped as well and contemporary liturgy which enabled her to truly worship God.

"Her husband and children (who attend a German speaking school) flew over from Africa for Christmas and she was baptised on Christmas Eve here.

"Oh, and the minister of the church originally comes from New Zealand and knows some of our ECM colleagues through CSM. Oh yes — and the Dutch husband is the Honorary Consul in Namibia." 

Carolien and Roland Smith

To find more information on Carolien and Roland please click here.

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