Co Kaptein
I hope people will realise that life is short and relative, and how essential it therefore is to know Jesus.

Co and Gerda Kaptein left for Calabria, the toe of the boot in southern Italy, five months after their wedding in 1967. For the first five years they ministered in Sant'Eufemia d'Aspromonte, where a small church was planted. They then moved house to Lamezia Terme, an area with a population of 75 000 and strong Roman Catholic identity.
Sadly, at the age of 67, Gerda passed away in 2010. Co has since then taken retirement, but he continues with his daughters Debora and Esther in mission in Calabria. He is building a bible-believing church in Lamezia Terme which is healthy and functions well. He also does evangelical broadcasts for Calabrian radio and TV.