Pray for Europe in 2017!

Care to make predictions about politics in Europe for 2017? Few would have predicted the dramatic changes in 2016. In this world of uncertainty, let us pray to our unchanging God to reign in Europe!
Few would have predicted the dramatic and turbulent political events of last year, both in Europe and across the wider world with Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as the new US President. Maybe it is unwise to predict what may happen in 2017!
Writing in the Daily Telegraph (article dated 29th December 2016), former UK Chancellor of the Exchequer writes, ‘No crystal ball is needed to predict the dominant political stories of 2017. For the UK it will be about Brexit: the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty at the end of March to enable the UK to leave the European Union, the response of the EU and the subsequent discussions.’ James Kirkup, the Daily Telegraph political editor, writes, ‘EU attention will focus on the French presidential election in May. Assuming that Marine Le Pen doesn’t win – the odds are against her but if she does, Brexit may be academic because the EU may just collapse – the next major EU preoccupation is Angela Merkel’s bid for a fourth term as German chancellor in September.’ There is a climate of political uncertainty across Europe; lack of clarity regarding the shape and timing of Brexit and political upheavals across Europe that threaten to undermine the European Union.
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