Europe: Mission on our own continent?

world-1264062_1920_medium.jpgTuesday 15 May 2018 12:57

If you live in or near Bristol and are interested in Mission why not come to the SWAN Spring/Summer church breakfast in Bristol.

SWAN is an informal association of cross-cultural mission agency staff and those engaging cross-culturally in the South West UK.

The focus is on the topic of Mission across Europe and how local churches can respond to the needs of our European neighbours, either in the UK or in their home countries. Many live in post Christian communities, but others live in centuries old and more recent communities of non-Christian backgrounds. The level of need and poverty, especially in South Eastern Europe might challenge and surprise us.  Network and hear from local practitioners and learn about issues affecting our friends from across the continent, both in their home countries and here in the UK.

The morning also includes breakfast from 7.30am (pastries, bacon rolls plus healthy options!), information from mission organisations involved in Europe, and time for prayer and fellowship.

Bristol: Bradley Stoke Evangelical Church, Baileys Ct Rd, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 8BH, Thursday 7th June 7.30 to 9.15am

Cost: suggested donation £5
To book email:

Feel free to bring or send other representatives from your church if they are interested or involved in this area. We look forward to seeing you there.

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