Feeding the body as well as the soul

According to the latest UN statistics, last year Spain received over 58,000 refugees and immigrants - an increase of 37,000 over the previous year!
"Hans and Jennifer Anderson jumped at the opportunity to work with a food bank in downtown Malaga for the few months before it closed.
"But God was at work. After much prayer and understanding that the reopening process could take about two years, the group saw everything approved in three weeks!
"The Diez42 ministry centre (Ten42 in English, is a Spanish non-profit organisation formed to serve those in need in Málaga) was again up and running. Serving mainly the North African immigrant population, the Andersons are praising God for the light of Christ and sense of community Diez42 brings to the neighborhood. Diez42 provides food, classes in Spanish and English, and support activities.
"Pray for Diez42 (from Matthew 10:42) to be salt and light for Jesus in Malaga, Spain."
To know more aboout Diez42 click here.
If you are interested in the work of Hans and Jennifer Anderson follow this link.