Pray with us for Revive Austria.

daniel-plan-670187-unsplash.jpgTuesday 05 March 2019 10:14

"Austrians really care about what other people think about them. Austrians try to find their identity in other things than God."

"Austrians really care about what other people think about them.

“Austrians try to find their identity in other things than God.

“As Austrians, we just like things the way they are.

“We just save our money to fulfil our dreams of settling down and living a peaceful life.

"Pray for us, that people would find their security in God and risk losing everything to gain eternal life. Please pray that Austrians find their identity in God instead of in what other people think of them."

Please watch, pray, and share the video with others.

 Revive is an event for Christian students and graduates, aged 18-30, across Europe.27 December 2019 - 1 January 2020 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Find out more, click here: Revive Europe.

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