Pray with us for God to Revive Albania

Albanie_70167280.jpgTuesday 09 July 2019 17:07

Although Albania is right in the centre of Europe, it is still desperately trying to enter Europe. Watch this video to know more...

"Albania is in the heart of Europe, but still is desperately trying to enter Europe.

“Uncertainty and lack of hope has grown rapidly as corruption goes deeper in the roots of our society.

“Young people are leaving the country in a mass exodus.

“Once upon a time Albania was called the defender of Christianity, but today we are a country without identity and without knowledge of God."

"Pray for our churches to be more bold and intentional in sharing the gospel.

“Pray for unity, and an open heart for collaboration.

“Pray that God would heal our streets and our land, and will revive hope once again among Albanians."

Please watch, pray, and share the video with others.

If you would like to know more about Albania and the work being carried out in this country, click here.

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