The Changing Face of Europe - Green Shoots and Opportunity

jill-heyer-03ztkGdYWU8-unsplash.jpgTuesday 01 October 2019 12:59

With Europe constantly in the news it is an opportune time to examine its spiritual needs. Find out more about this event in Bristol on 26 October.

With Europe constantly in the news it is an opportune time to examine the spiritual needs of the continent and how we can respond. How much do we understand our continent and the opportunities for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus?

Many people are increasingly secular, but others are finding a home with new moves of the Spirit.

Many are being left behind economically and there is mass migration from violence, war and poverty but also new engagement with Christianity of religiously diverse communities.

In the midst of this rapidly changing context, we have a unique opportunity to display a God who loves and cares.

ECM is one of the organisations taking part in this event, The Changing Face of Europe..., taking place at Woodlands Church in Bristol on 26th October 2019. The day also involves: Seminars on Church Partnerships, Secularism, Migration and refugees, Immigrant Communities, Prayer and more ... Exhibition with Agencies and groups working in Europe ... Books and Resources to help us respond.

To find out more and book your place click here.

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