Please pray with us for God to revive Macedonia

Macedonian flag.jpgTuesday 19 November 2019 15:21

Macedonia is facing a deep identity crisis and has forsaken and forgotten God.
For more information and on how best to pray for Macedonia, please watch the video below.

“Divided deeply on an ethnic and religious level, more and more young people are forced to leave Macedonia in order to find a better life.

"With no merit system, corruption characterises every aspect of social life.

"Please pray for people to start searching for their identity in the God of the Bible.

“Pray for new politicians who are going to bring integrity in their work.

“Pray for young people in the church to stay in Macedonia.

“Pray for God to strengthen his people in Macedonia."

Please watch, pray, and share the video with others.

You can find out more about Revive on their website.

If you are interested in where ECM are represented in Europe, click here.

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