Spiritual Hunger and Spiritual Fruit

praying hands.jpgTuesday 25 February 2020 12:15

"It is a very exciting time to be in Slovenia". Sarah Deacon writes while serving as a ministry intern at the Reformed Evangelical Church in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Read below the exciting story of a transformed life.

"It is a very exciting time to be in Slovenia"

Her ministry includes music, youth work and one-to-one discipleship. Alongside these activities, Sarah is broadening her knowledge of ministry and theology. Whilst Slovenia is traditionally Roman Catholic, faith plays a marginal role in most people's lives today. The Bible is not commonly read and it is unusual to talk about God. Despite these challenges, Sarah shares some positive news about what God is doing in this country: 

"It is a very exciting time to be in Slovenia as we are starting to see God at work among the people here. At a recent event, five copies of God’s Undertaker by John Lennox were sold to people passing by one stall. This was all they had. People are wanting to know more about God and it is a joy to see this. In recent months at least six people have come to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour. In a country where the work is often very slow, this is incredibly encouraging.

"I have the great privilege of discipling one lady in her thirties who has just become a Christian. She is originally from France but is married to a Slovene and has been in the country for a number of years. We have started meeting weekly to read through Mark’s gospel. I managed to provide her with a French version although we mostly communicate in English. She is full of questions and is desperate to ensure that what she is learning is really what God says in his Word. Although she has faced some challenges from her husband’s family, she is determined to bring her son to church and to teach him the truths of the gospel.

"I pray that I will be faithful to the Word as I lead these sessions and answer questions. Please join me in praising God for the work he is doing in Slovenia and praying for more spiritual fruit."

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