How is ECM ministering during the COVID-19 pandemic?

hamid-samanian-18YHIIMP8W0-unsplash.jpgMonday 06 April 2020 15:15

Jim Memory from ECM in Spain talked to BBC Radio Northampton about how ECM has had to make rapid adjustments because of Covid-19.

Here a some quotes from this interview: 

Regarding living and ministering in Spain: "We're about a week ahead of the UK. A much stricter regime is in place here than in the UK, for example, you need a legitimate reason for going out. You can walk a dog. There are no dogs in dogs' homes, all are adopted out. No runs - the exercise regime is not there."

Regarding how many people are seeking reassurance at this time:"People are seeking out community, and I think, in that the gospel is central, and we come back to the very simple things of what it means to trust in God, to have a relationship with Christ and to practice that in a virtual way with our brothers and sisters."

Listen to the entire interview here. When you get to the audio file online, it has the entire several hour long programme! To save you having to listen through it all, just jump to 1 hour and 52 minutes in and Jim’s interview will be at the end of the song "Oh Happy Day"

For more information on ECM and other related articles follow this link.

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