Pray for refugees

Prayerhand.jpgTuesday 21 July 2020 12:15

Millions of migrants and refugees have fled their homes due to war, violence and economic hardship. They endure dangerous and difficult journeys in search of hope and a better future. Very few of them know Jesus Christ. As Christians, we have a great opportunity to share God’s love and compassion with them, and give them a gospel hope.

Prayer and Praise from #Howwilltheyhear

  • At a time when many migrants and refugees are weary, anxious and thirsty for security for the future, give thanks for those coming alongside them to offer the 'free gift of the water of life' through faith in Christ (Rev. 22:17). Pray that many would turn to Him and drink.

  • Ongoing pressure on resources in Greece has resulted in many refugees being moved on from overcrowded camps and hostels and whole families being made homeless. Pray for national and international governments and agencies to find just solutions and for churches and Christian charities to be able to continue providing help despite difficult economic circumstances.

  • Pray for an outreach centre in Rome which re-opened this month. As the Christian leaders and volunteers meet their refugee friends in person after so long, pray there would be plentiful opportunities to demonstrate and speak of the difference that hope in Christ makes. Pray for provision of enough voluntary help through the summer to keep the centre open.

  • Give thanks that several ministry partners in Germany were able to serve refugee families during lockdown by giving online home-learning help to their children. Pray that these connections and relationships will grow as face-to-face ministry resumes in part.

#Howwilltheyhear is a partnership of organisations working together to share Gospel with refugees and migrants in Europe.

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