Stronger together!

Working for the Lord to plant a new church is not an easy job, as it demands a lot from you, explain Gani and Adile who are church planters with ECM in Kosovo.
Equip + Connect + Multiply = Church
Working for the Lord to plant a new church is not an easy job, as it demands a lot from you.
In the beginning, you need to prepare the ground. In many cases this is a ground-breaking ministry and a lot of help from the Holy Spirit is needed in order to achieve this calling by God.
As the church grows in God’s knowledge and numbers, there are other aspects of the development that need to be in place.
It is our duty to EQUIP the believers for ministry within the church and out at the frontline.
We have set a goal for all present workers to MULTIPLY themselves by at least one other person who can continue the ministry.
Many churches here are small and not ready to do evangelism on their own. Therefore we seek to CONNECT them with other churches and mission organisations in order to do things together for God’s glory and the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Gani and Adile are doing church planting and development. This includes: evangelism, discipleship, training, preaching, visiting etc. There is ministry with children and youth at the church on Friday and Sunday, a regular meetings for men and women.
Training of future potential leaders is also taking place at their church. One to one evangelism is done on a daily basis. Literature distribution is also a recent thing that they are doing. More information on ECM's work in Kosovo is found here.
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