A decade of faithfulness

Sebastian and Gloria Forjan are approaching their 10th Church Anniversary in Slovenia in January 2022. They are both nationals, and are church planters in Radovljica.
We have experienced 10 years of God’s faithfulness, His redemptive work, and His goodness to us. There are so many stories that we could share; stories of individuals from our church hearing and responding to the Lord, our many outreach events, Bible study groups and having various guests in our home. We are thankful to God for His calling on our lives and making it possible for our family to fully devote our time to ministry in Radovljica. We are thankful for the people who faithfully give of their finances, time and support us through prayer, as we continue to minister here.
At the end of last year, Gloria completed a counselling course which was run by the American Bible Society, called ‘Healing the Wounds of Trauma’. As a result of this, Gloria became a trained facilitator which has led to new opportunities in discipleship and reaching out to CONNECT with people within our region. Acts 20:28 encourages the church to help those who are suffering, as well as being salt and light in the world (Matthew 5).
Many passages in the Bible talk about how God’s people will suffer. The course is helpful in EQUIPPING church leaders to better help people who have experienced difficult circumstances and have been wounded by various things in their lives. The Bible reminds us that God cares for people and can heal the wounds of our hearts. It isn’t always about changing our circumstances so that we might live comfortable, happy lives, but rather, inviting the Lord into our circumstances and finding peace and joy in Him. When we experience God’s comfort, it enables us to comfort others, with the same comfort that we have received (2 Corinthians 1:4).
We may not know what the future holds and many people, even from within the church, have felt the stress this brings. Gloria felt called by the Lord to invite ladies from within and outside the church, to take part in the course with her. It has been really encouraging that many have responded and engage weekly through Google Meet sessions, where they work through the lessons together. The response has been fantastic, with many saying how it has helped them to understand suffering in a new way. This has opened up opportunities for some to share more of their troubles with Gloria and given her an opportunity to speak truth into their lives. We have a dear friend, who would never have walked into a church building, but she has committed to do this course. Through this, she has been reading the Bible for the first time and asking great questions about God, the meaning of life and the end times.
Gloria is EQUIPPING two ladies who are interested in trauma training, so that they can MULTIPLY the work in their own communities. We want to be skilled at helping people who are suffering and are very thankful for this opportunity.
Praise God with us for all the opportunities this has already brought and pray for more doors to open.