What on Earth is God Doing in Europe?

220110_jim-memory_networking_hub_web_banner_0.jpgTuesday 21 December 2021 15:29

It has been a few months now since Jim Memory's important missiological report on Europe has been published. Global Connections will host a webinar in January led by Jim. Below are details and a link on how to access this webinar.

“This is an event designed to help leaders of mission organisations deepen their understanding of the missional opportunities and challenges that are emerging in Europe as the continent wrestles with the demographic and socio-cultural changes that shape it today."

This event takes place on 10th January 2022, 11am - 12:30pm UK via Zoom for a chance to hear about these implications from Jim Memory himself.

This link will take you to the page on the Global Connections website for further details and the opportunity to secure yourself a place.

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