What if I don't go?

Going is important, but not everyone is called to go.
John Piper once said, “You have three choices in world missions: be a joyful, sacrificial goer, be a joyful, sacrificial sender, or be disobedient.”
More people are called to be senders than goers. But what does it mean to be a good sender? Here are four ways you can make a difference from right here in the UK:
- Pray. Prayer is the one thing that anyone can do, regardless of age, education or wealth. We have all been commanded by Jesus to ask the Father to send workers into the harvest field. Your intercessions can open the doors of God’s spiritual blessings into the lives and ministries of Christian workers. To receive ECM’s free monthly Prayer Diary, sign up using the enclosed response form.
- Give. To make a gift to someone you know, or to our appeal, or to European ministry in general, please use the enclosed response form.
- Encourage. It can be hard work to be a Christian worker. They will face times of suffering, spiritual opposition and discouragement. Your messages of love and support can keep them going when things get tough.
- Spread the vision. Not everyone is convinced of the importance of missions. You probably are — otherwise, why would you be reading this magazine? So why not share the need for mission and stories of God at work in your church? ECM Life magazine and this website are great sources for exciting examples of missions today.
As I read once, “Every goer needs a sender.” You could be that special one!
This is from our latest ECM LIFE magazine. Read more here.