Finding the Kingdom of God in our neighbourhoods

London neighbourhood.jpgTuesday 12 March 2024 13:17

The Lausanne Movement is sharing God-stories from the global church with the global church through their new "God on the Move" podcast. This one is from London!

What follows has been adapted from Lausanne's Explore the pulse of global mission with ‘God on the Move’ (find it here)—a new Lausanne Movement podcast dedicated to uncovering and celebrating inspiring stories from the global church with the global church. Join us as we delve into the heart of God’s work worldwide, aiming to ignite a passion for the Great Commission within you. Get ready to be inspired, challenged, and propelled into faithful obedience alongside believers from every corner of the earth.

In the episode Finding the Kingdom of God in Our Neighbourhoods, Samuel and Ruth Kamminga share their experience of living in Bethnal Green, a neighbourhood in East London. It is a challenging place where they open their home and hearts to residents, actively hosting refugees, the underprivileged, and neighbours while spreading the love of God.

Sam was born and raised in Canada and is currently serving with InnerCHANGE as an apprentice and as a Community Pastor with St. George-In-the-East Church. Ruth was born and raised in Guatemala and lived part of her adolescence in Spain. She has worked with IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) and organizations for social development in Guatemala. She is a researcher at a Global Affairs think tank in London, England.

Their "passion" comes from Matthew 22:37-39 - Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Throughout this transformative journey, they have found themselves as recipients, being ministered to in unexpected ways.

Listen to their podcast here!

Jim Memory is one of the Co-Regional Directors of Europe for the Lausanne Movement. He and his wife have been missionaries with ECM since 1994. To find out more about their work click here.

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