What a joy to hear a child say," I want to be a missionary!"

children.jpgTuesday 23 April 2024 13:08

Through her ministry in Spain, Delyth Sutton collaborates with parents to help train their children share the Good News.

In 2019 we didn’t have any children in our church. But things began to change after Gloria, a missionary from Guatemala, started praying for God to send us children. When Covid arrived, Gloria began an online children’s ministry. A church member had a niece who lived in Columbia and this girl joined the meeting on Zoom. She said she wanted to be a missionary. Last week she and her grandmother immigrated to our area!

When confinement finished, Gloria returned to Guatemala. By then a few families were arriving at our church: one from Venezuela with four children; a Brazilian lady with two children; and a couple from the other side of the valley with two more kids.

That meant we needed more Sunday school teachers. One I have been training up is a woman in a wheelchair. Despite speech and flexibility challenges, she was always the first to help at our children’s open air summer outreaches. So now she prepares lessons online, we print them at church and our oldest Sunday school member serves as her helper. Which means we are also discipling him in leading and serving in love.

Last year we began a children’s club together with two other churches. We meet monthly and encourage parents to be part of teaching their children. Our prayer is now that the children will have a space where they can invite their friends and that in the warmer weather we can go out into the squares and parks to share the Good News with both children and parents.

To read this and more exciting stories in our latest magazine - click here

Find out more here about Delyth's work in Spain.

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