Resources for Churches

alireza-esmaeeli-maYvFXbzC98-unsplash.jpegTuesday 21 April 2020 15:01

All of us are learning how to “do church” in the new Covid-19 world. Here are some useful resources that might help you from churches across the UK and beyond...

Global Connections (Global Connections is a network of mission-focused UK agencies, churches, colleges and support services) has collated a list of information sources for ideas that you may find helpful. They say:

"We are very aware that the mission sector is not exempt from the Covid-19 situation and we know mission-focused churches and church streams have been impacted physically, emotionally, financially and mentally. We are so thankful that in times like this we can lean on Jesus.

"We are also thankful for the abundance of useful advice, resources and thought-provoking articles that have cropped up since coronavirus hit our shores."

Follow this link to their resource page.

You can check back periodically on the Global Connections website (resources for churches) for new information which will be added to this page as and when relevant.

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